(901) 396-8650
Memphis photography studios
Still Photography - Digital

In 40 years we have accumulated an astonishing amount of "stuff" in our Memphis photography studios. The little things that you suddenly need on a shoot. A #1 wood clamp or a c-47, a tiny wedge or a mirror fragment. These are the little things that can make or break a shoot. But we think there isn't a little thing that we haven't got within arm's reach. Of course, we have the big stuff too.

  • Nikon Digital D300 10.5 - 750mm motordrive
  • Nikon 20mm to 500mm - Macro and PC lense
  • Speedatron strobes 2400 and 4800 wt PKs
  • Photoshop CS4 "while you wait"

There is nothing “still” about our still shooting. We make it happen for you with everything you need for that “Great Shoot” and that great shot.

Memphis photography studios

Check out our photography studios here in Memphis, our variety of still photography rentals and stock images for sale.

Memphis photography studios | Memphis aerial photography services
Still photography | Stock photography

Copyright © 2025 API Photographers, Inc. All rights reserved.
3111 Stonebrook Circle, Memphis, TN 38116, Tel: 901.581.1989